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√ Explanation Text : Pengertian, Ciri, Tujuan Dan Struktur Terlengkap

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√ Explanation Text : Pengertian, Ciri, Tujuan dan Struktur Terlengkap


Pengertian Explanation Text


Explanation Text merupakan salah satu teks yang dipakai untuk membuktikan cara (proses) sesuatu terjadi, terutama yang berkaitan dengan fenomena alam, dunia ilmiah atau sosial budaya.

Tujuannya untuk memberitahu kepada pembaca atau pendengar bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi. Sebuah Explanation text biasanya berasal dari pertanyaan penulis terkait ‘why’ dan ‘how’ terhadap suatu fenomena yang ada.



Tujuan Explanation Text


Tujuan komunikatif dari explanation text ialah untuk membuktikan proses-proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan sesuatu yang terkait dengan fenomena-fenomena alam, sosial, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya, dan lainnya yang bertujuan menjelaskan bagaimana atau mengapa hal tersebut dapat terjadi.



Ciri – Ciri Explanation Text


  • Berasal dari pertanyaan penulis terkait ‘why’ dan ‘how’ terhadap suatu fenomena yang ada.

  • Diangkat dari fenomena maka fokus materinya bukan pada bendanya atau orangnya, melainkan pada kejadian atau kejadian yang terjadi pada orang atau benda tersebut.

  • Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

  • Menggunakan action verbs.

  • Menggunakan passive voice.

  • Menggunakan noun phrase.

  • Menggunakan adverbial phrase.

  • Menggunakan technical terms.

  • Menggunakan general and abstract noun.

  • Menggunakan conjunction of time and cause-effect.



Generic Structure Explanation Text


  • General Statement

Tentang klarifikasi umum perihal fenomena yang akan dibahas, dapat berupa pengenalan fenomena tersebut atau penjelasannya.


  • Squenced of Explanation

Berisi perihal klarifikasi proses mengapa fenomena tersebut dapat terjadi atau tercipta. A squenced of explanation berupa tanggapan dari pertanyaan ‘why’ dan ‘how’ penulis saat menciptakan sebuah Explanation text. Dalam squenced of explanation dapat terdiri lebih dari satu paragraf.


  • Closing

Sebenarnya closing itu tidak tercantum dalam generic structure dari Explanation text, tetapi kebanyakan orang beranggapan bahwa paragrap terakhir dari sebuah Explanation text ialah closing.

Padahal itu merupakan bab dari squenced of explantaion yang berisi perihal langkah tamat yang dijelaskan pada bab squenced of explanation.



Contoh Explanation Text


Fermentation Of Yogurt

Fermented milk can be made through some way i.e. Add enzymes to process fermentasinya or add mikrobia that can perform the fermentation of milk, first way is very expensive because the enzymes that must be added to the amount of more than one and should be given in conditions of high purity level.

Therefore, how the addition of the selected mikrobia, since the mikrobia is naturally found in milk, we only stayed mengisolasinya next to the pure breed became freely copied and added to the fermented milk.

Yogurt is made with the help of two types of bacteria are beneficial, one of a family of lactobacillus in the shape of rods (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and other family of streptococcal circular (Streptococcus thermophilus).

Both bacteria of yogurt this lactic acid producing bacteria is an important role in the setting of mikroflora gut. While growing up in the intestines, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and s. thermophilus is able to create circumstances that inhibit other bacterial acid.

Disease-causing bacteria that generally can’t stand not being able to survive in the acidic environment of the bacteria of yogurt. While other bacteria is indeed supposed to be stimulated to grow in abundance. So mikroflora in the intestine are encouraged to approach a balanced State is normal.

Plenty of research shows that bacteria in yogurt and fermented milk ulain gave extra benefits to the body. Yogurt bacteria require a suitable growing conditions especially the right temperature. Generally bacteria grow well on warm.

Yogurt bacteria s. thermophilus and l. bulgaricus fastest growing in the temperatures around 40 – 44 ° C (depending on the galurnya). If the temperature is too low the bacteria will proliferate slowly or not at all. Whereas if the temperature is too hot the bacteria can break down and die.

Another danger, namely the condition of other microbes merajalelanya optimumnya at a temperature higher or lower. Because faster breed in the temperature, the amount of microbial intruders last can overtake even set aside the original yogurt bacteria.

As for the stage – the stage production of yogurt is as follows  :

  1. Fresh milk is heated up to a temperature of 90 ° C and have always stirred so that the protein is not experiencing coagulation. The temperature is maintained for 1 hour. When done pasteurization temperatures is 70 – 75 ° C. If this is done, then the warming is done twice.

  2. Once heated, further cooling to do temperature 37–45 ° c. The cooling is done in a sealed container.

  3. After the temperature reaches 37-45 ° C then the inoculation is done/addition of bacteria into the milk of a number of 50 – 60 ml/litre of milk. The addition of bacteria do with aseptic technique (by the fire).

  4. After the bacteria, plus next diperam on a warm (30-40 ° C), in tightly closed state for 3 days.

  5. The next step is filtration. This is done to separate the parts of a solid/liquid gels with the part. At the time of separation is laboured done near the fire so that the liquid part (as a stater next) to avoid contamination. The solid part of this is ready to be consumed (yogurt). The liquid portion contains the bacteria Lactobacillus sp can be used to menginokulasi the fresh milk.

  6. So that it tasted more delicious yogurt can be added with pieces of fresh fruit – buahan, nata de coco, cocktail or frozen into the ice, can also be mixed with various fruits to create juice (fresh drinks).

Most of the natural compounds are degraded by some types of microbes and even a lot of man-made compounds are also attacked by bacteria.

Occurs in an environment with no oxygen (or conditions for redox reactions that match), this led to the degradation of the fermentation.


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