Median Formula For Grouped Data
Median Formula for Grouped Data |
Median Formula for Grouped Data
Information :
F = Amount of frequencies before the medianf = Frequency of median class
c = Class lengthn = Sum of frequenciesbe = Bottom edge of median classMe = Median of data
Example :
Please determine the median value in the table data below !
Answer :
be = 45 - 0,5 = 44.5
n = 8 + 10 + 13 + 17 + 14 + 11 + 7 = 80
F = 8 + 10 + 13 = 31
c = 35 - 30 = 5
f = 17
So the median of the data is 47.15.
Baca Juga
So the median of the data is 47.15.
Just this article which I can share to you.
I apologize if there are wrong word on this article
The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Reference :
- Book math group sales and accounting essay To'ali class 12
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