Characteristics And Properties Of The Algorithm
Not all sequences of logical troubleshooting steps can be called algorithms. According to Donald E. Knuth, the algorithm has five important features that include:
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Algorithm Characteristics
- Finiteness, the algorithm must end after working on a number of process steps.
- Definitiness, every step should be defined precisely and not double daring.
- In fact, the algorithm has zero or more input data.
- Outpun, the algorithm has zero or more outputs.
- Effectivitiness, the algorithm must be a coupon, the steps of the algorithm is done in a reasonable time.
Sifat-sifat Algoritma
The properties of the algorithm are as follows:- Not using symbols or syntax of a particular programming language.
- It does not depend on a particular programming language.
- Algorithms can be used to represent a sequence of events logically and can be applied in everyday events.
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Referensi :
- Ebook Logical and Algorithm
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