History Of Anglo Saxon System (Common Law System)

The Anglo-Saxons were a people who inhabited Great Britain from the 5th century. They included people from Germanic tribes who migrated to the southern half of the island from continental Europe, and their descendants; as well as indigenous people who adopted the Anglo-Saxon culture and language. The Anglo-Saxon period denotes the period of British history after their initial settlement, until the Norman conquest, between about 450 and 1066.
The Anglo-Saxon period includes the creation of an English Nation, with many of the aspects that survive today including regional government of shires and hundreds; the re-establishment of Christianity; a flowering in literature and language; and the establishment of charters and law. The term Anglo-Saxon is also used for the language, more correctly called Old English, that was spoken and written by the Anglo-Saxons in England and eastern Scotland between at least the mid 5th century and the mid 12th century.
The history of the Anglo-Saxons is the history of a cultural identity, and how this developed from divergent groups, grew with the adoption of Christianity, was used in the establishment of various kingdoms, and, in the face of a threat from Danish settlers, re-established itself as one identity until after the Norman Conquest. The outward appearance of Anglo Saxon Culture can be seen in the material culture of buildings, dress styles, illuminated texts and grave goods. Behind the symbolic nature of these cultural emblems there are strong elements of tribal and lordship ties, and an elite that became kings who developed burhs, and saw themselves and their people in Biblical terms. Above all, as Helena Hamerow has observed, "local and extended kin groups remained...the essential unit of production throughout the Anglo-Saxon period".
Use of the term Anglo-Saxon assumes that the words Angles, Saxons or Anglo-Saxon have the same meaning in all the sources. Assigning ethnic labels such as "Anglo-Saxon" is fraught with difficulties and the term itself only began to be used in the 8th century to distinguish "Germanic" groups in Britain from those on the continent.
The history of Anglo-Saxons broadly covers early medieval Britain: from the end of Roman rule and the establishment of numerous Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the 5th century, until after the Norman conquest of England in 1066, when Anglo-Saxon culture began to fuse with Norman culture. A different structure to this history was suggested by Norman Davies, who sees the period in terms of "Germanico-Celtic Isles" - the period from the migration until the first Viking raids - and "Isles in the West" - the period of "Norseman" and Norman invasions. This provides an interpretation structure for Anglo-Saxon period in Britain; one that is set in the context of cultural and political links, both with the Celtic world around the Irish Sea and the Norse and Danish world around the North Sea. However, the Anglo-Saxons would continually interpretate their world in both biblical and classical terms.
Around AD 400, southern Britain – that is Britain below Hadrian’s Wall – was a peripheral part of the Roman Empire in the west, occasionally lost to rebellion or invasion, but until then always eventually recovered. Eventually around 410, Britain slipped beyond direct imperial control into a phase which has generally been termed "sub-Roman"
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