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Definition Of Fair

Definition of fair

Definition of fair is if everybody gets basicly rights obligations. Most of the people who define the word FAIR is an attitude that does not take sides or also called equally, no favoritism, no less and no more, and many other opinion.

For those who have interpreted FAIR is the AVERAGE, must assume that the father of the above treatment is fair.

So in my opinion, it is an unfair act which implement the provisions or regulations have been enacted in everyday life.

Most of us think it's fair that could happen if there are more than one object, acting a justice could be born. But actually it is the wrong opinion. Just because it basically does not require more than the top one object to giving birth or run.


The occurrence of events two thieves caught red-handed by the people who are doing the action. They have been handed over to the authorities to handle and both in the trial court, and the judge manjatuhkan liima-year prison sentence to both the thief to his actions.

There is no difference in the punishment they have received. The second thief had each received a sentence of imprisonment for five years in accordance with the provisions of the laws that have been enacted.

Obviously in this case reflects a justice. Namely those in law in accordance with applicable regulations and each thief has received the same punishment average, thus creating the name of FAIR.

There is also a saying that, fair means do not take sides. But anyway that is, the fair has a clear definition and a good goal. However, in order to be able to be fair it was not easy. Because of the various sizes of each individual in determining whether something or someone has been treated fairly will be something different. Size is what often has been the spur for various conflicts about justice. Because of the size that has been used in every glasses remedy the judge justice also different views.

The same thing had happened to me and some friends. Still the same about disagreements and sizes of justice. I and a few friends felt that we had been treated unfairly by those who happen to have a professional relationship with us. Had there is anger and disappointment in the liver. Several days had trouble concentrating in because of it.

If we do not have gratitude for everything that happens to us, whether it's for a variety of things in line with expectations in ourselves and not fit then we will always be glued to the things that are not in accordance with the expectations that we want. That in the end, we will feel a failure. When the feeling of failure that is inside, usually we will try to find what the cause.

My advice should be grateful but still persevere in promoting justice, especially for the law.

Sumber http://jubahhukum.blogspot.com

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