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Mammals - Descriptive Text

Mammals are warm-blooded animals which are covered with hair or fur. All them breathe air through lungs and have appendages. Most of them have outer ears. They are called mammals because they have mammary glands which produce milk so that they can suckle their young.

We can group mammals according to how they reproduce. Most mammals fall into the placental group as they nourish their young within the mother's body. Rodents, bats, seals, dingoes, foxes, and rabbits are examples of placental group.

Human beings are too. However, some mammals, such as kangaroos, wallabies, and koalas, have a pouch where the young ones grow and develop. These mammals are known as marsupials.

There is a third group of mammals, known as monotremes, which have unique characteristics. These mammals which are only found in Australia and New Guinea, are different because the young hatch from eggs but the females still suckle the young on milk. The platypus and the echidna (spiny anteater) are both monotremes.

source : Bill Cleland an Ruth Evans
Learning English Through General Science (1984)

Sumber http://radirablog.blogspot.com

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