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Soal Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Sma/Ma/Smk 2016 Terbaru

Soal Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK 2016 Terbaru - Baru saja rasanya kalian menduduki kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK kini kalian sudah sebentar lagi akan menghadapi ulangan mid semester. Ulangan mid semester yaitu ulangan yang dilaksanankan ketika pertengahan semester. Dengan adanya ulangan mid semester ini maka akan semakin memicu konsistensi mencar ilmu siswa-siswi semakin terjaga hingga ulangan semester.

Bahasa Inggris yaitu salah satu mata pelajaran yang akan dihadapi ketika ulangan mid semester. Tetapi banyak siswa-siswi yang masih kesulitan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dibuktikan dari beberapa kali ulangan mid semester Bahasa Inggris selalu kebanyakan mereka di bawah standar. Salah satu upaya efektif yang harus dilakukan untuk memperbaiki nilai Bahasa Inggris yaitu dengan rajin berlatih menjawab soal-soal latihan Bahasa Inggris. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan menawarkan Soal Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK 2016 Terbaru.

Baca Juga

Not being able to sleep,Iwan sat up in bed peering into the darkness. Suddenly he felt a current of cold air. He jumped out of bed. However, having forgotten the motion of the ship, he was instantly thrown violently across the room.
With difficulty he got up and groped his was towards the window which, to his surprise, he found wide open, for he was certain that he had fastened it securely before he went to bed.
Sudenly, as he stood by the window, he distinctly heard something moving behind him and, a moment afterwards, as he turned to look, he heard a faint groan. He sprang across the room and jumped back into bed, only to discover to his horror that someone else was lying there. Stretching out his hand, he laid hold of something that had the shape of a man’s arm but was smooth, wet and icy cold. He pulled, but the creature, whatever it was, tore itself out of his grasp, ran across the room, opened the door and rushed out. Quickly recovering from his fright, he started to chase at top speed but he was too late. The passage outside his room was empty

Choose the right statement !
1. The story tells us about….
a. Iwan’s journey
b. A bung lary at see
c. The case on board
d. a mysterious creature
e. an adventurous night

2. Why did Iwan Jumped out of bed and tried to get to the window ?
a. He knew that the window was open
b. He was rest less and could not sleep
c. He couldn’t see anything in the dark room
d. He was thrown violently across the room
e. He wanted to know where the cold the room

3. Which of the following did not frigten Iwan ?
a. something moving behind him
b. A sound unfamiliar to him
c. The violent moving of the ship
d. Finding somebody lying on his bed
e. Touching something smooth and wet

4. Which of the following statements is true according to the text ?
a. Iwan was waiting in the dark for the creature
b. Iwan wondered why the window was open
c. Seeing the window open, he immediately rain to close it
d. Iwan jumped out of bed because he heard something moving
e. Iwan had forgatten to fasten the window when he went to bed

5. From the text we may conclude that…
a. the creature reamined a mysterys
b. Iwan succeeded in catching the creature
c. Iwan didn’t dare to run after the creature
d. the creature tried very hard to catch Iwan
e. Iwan and the creature ran out the room together

6. Rendra has to take a part-time job during the vacation…
he will not be able to rent a house
a. besides         c. otherwise                 e. nevertheless
b. therefore      d. moreover

7. My sister, Siska has all her dresses made because…
a. she likes sewing
b. she is a dress maker
c. she cannot sew at all
d. she doesn’t have a good dressmaker
e. she can’t offord to pay dress-maker

8. This area is not suitable for farming because the soil is not……
a. fertile           c. fertility                    e. fertilization
b. fertilize        d. fertilizer

9. ‘May I go shopping with my friends, mom ?’
‘No, you…….stay in bed until you recover.
a. can               c. might                       e. must
b. may                         d. could

10. ‘When do you want to have the parcels………to you hosue ?’
‘It’s better tomorrow morning’
a. deliver         c. delivered                 e. be delivered
b. to deliver     d. delivering

11. Which sentence is correct ?
a. Do you watch every Thursday evening the English jadwal on television ?
b. Do you watch on television the English jadwal every Thursday evening ?
c. Do you watch the English jadwal every Thursday evening on television ?
d. Do you watch the English jadwal on television every Thursday evening ?
e. Every Thursday evening do you watch the English jadwal on television ?

12. I think Nuki is too young……an engineer
a. to be            c. of being                   e. when he is
b. in being       d. if he be

13. None of Rian’s class mates …..to his birthday party
a. are invited   c. of being                  e. when he is
b. is invited     d. if he be

14. The manager think Santi is a very …..secretary because she always does her work well
a. rely              c. reliance                    e. reliability
b. reliably        d. reliable

15. The article…..we got the Dita for our essay is written by
a. that              c. from whom              e. at which
b. which          d. from which

16. We must avoid…..too much because it causes lung cancer
a. smoke          c. smoking                   e. to be smoking
b. to smoke      d. in smoking

17. The results of the test were…..not only the teacher but also the students
a. disapproint d. being disappointed
b. disappointed e. to be disappointed
c. disappointing

18. He has to try several times because he wants to be the winner
We can also say:……., he has to try several times
a. to be the winner
b. being the winner
c. wanting to be the winner
d. wants to be winner
e. be the winner

19. After the house….white it looked beautiful
a. to be painted           d. has been painted
b. has painted              e. had been painted
c. had painted

20. ‘You wouldn’t have won if I hadn’t help you’
That’s not true, I certainly…….
a. did                           c. had              e. would
b. win                          d. done

Soal Essay
Read the following text and answer questions
There was a girl named Bawang Putih, she lived with her step mother and her step sister named Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih’s life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.
One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother’s clothes fell down to the river. Finally she met an old woman. The old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a small pumpkin. At home, Suddenly Bawang putih and her step mother and step sister were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. “Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river then found the old woman and took big pumpkin. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin!
Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them.
1.      What can we learn from the story above?
2.      How many characters are there in the text ? Who are they and mention the each characters ?
3.      Why did Bawang merah go to the river to meet the old woman?
4.      What did bawang Merah and her mother find after breaking the pumpkin?
5.      What was inside the pumpkin given by the old woman for bawang Putih?

Semoga dengan adanya Soal Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK 2016 Terbaru ini kalian semakin gampang dalam mencar ilmu Bahasa Inggris. Karena Bahasa Inggris yaitu kuncinya untuk dapat sukses dengan rajin menjawab soal-soal latihan. Terimakasih telah membaca Soal Ulangan Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK 2016 Terbaru.

Sumber http://abidtinfaz.blogspot.com

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