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Soal Pilihan Ganda Ulangan Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Sma/Ma/Smk Terbaru

Soal Pilihan Ganda Ulangan Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA/SMK Terbaru - Tinggal menghitung hari saja kalian akan segera menghadapi ulangan semester. Ulangan semester ialah salah satu ulangan yang sangat memilih nilai raport siswa-siswi elok atau kurang bagus. Karena ulangan semester mempunyai bobot yang cukup besar dibanding ulangan-ulangan yang lain. Jadi, kalian harus semangat dan mempunyai persiapan yang maksimal menghadapi ulangan semester.

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang sering menjadi kendala siswa-siswi dalam menghadapi ulangan baik ulangan harian maupun semester ialah mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Ya, Bahasa Inggris sering kali menciptakan nilai siswa-siswi turun drastis. Salah satu upaya yang harus dilakukan untuk menghadapi ulangan semester Bahasa Inggris ialah dengan rajin menjawab soal-soal latihan Bahasa Inggris. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan menawarkan Soal Pilihan Ganda Ulangan Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA/SMK Terbaru.

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Reading Section
Text 1


Owing to the bad weather, the basketball match between Grade X-1 and Grade X-5, originally scheduled for tomorrow, May 6, is now put off until May 9. The match between Grade X-2 and Grade X-4 will be held on May 11. Final match will be held on May 15 and 16.
Sports Club

1. The announcement is about ....
A. sports club
B. bad weather
C. a match schedule
D. a basketball match
E. the delay of the match
2. When will the match between Grade X-2 and Grade X-4 be held?
A. May 6.
B. May 9
C. May 11
D. May 15
E. May 16

Text 2
The following text is for questions 18 and 19.
Dear Carol,
I am sick and tired of your magazine. It always “Blondes this' and “Blondes that.' You are always showing pictures of cute and gorgeous people. Why don't you for once take people for what they are?
If everyone always takes notice of the good looking people, we may as well get rid of everyone else. What about the disabled or handicapped?
Why don't you put in somebody just like plain old boring people like me? Why don't you have a magazine about families that are nice on the inside and are not beautiful on the outside?
I reckon that only good people are good hearted. I'm deeply disappointed about this and I want you to do something about it.
From Deeply Hurt

3. To whom is the letter addressed?
A. The magazine editor.
B. Magazines readers.
C. Deeply Hurt.
D. A magazine publisher.
E. Radio listeners.

4. How did the writer feel when he wrote the letter?
A. He felt excited.
B. He felt proud.
C. He felt unwell.
D. He felt satisfied.
E. He felt frustrated.

Text 3
Easy ways to

Shop over 350 stores
Call 1.800 GO TRENDY
Shop by mail
Call 1.800.254.8183
Shop online

3181 River Road
Rockville, NM

buy one sale
or clearance item, get
50 % off
*2nd item must be of equal or lesser value. Applies to sale and clearence merchandise only. May not be combined with any other coupon offered, promotion, or previous purchases. Excluded fragrance, gift certificate, catalogue, or online purchases. Not valid on designer merchandise. Not valid on Trend Male Outlets.
Sale Monday, June 17th through Sunday, July 7th

Up to 60 %
Or more off
Original prices

5. What is the advertisement about?
A. Clearance item.
B. Trendy Male outlets.
C. Shop online or by mail.
D. Easy ways to shop and 50 % off.
E. 350 stores and more off an original prices.
6. If you buy a shirt on sale for $46.00, how much will you pay for another, similar shirt?
A. Seven dollars.
B. Seventeen dollars.
C. Twenty three dollars.
D. Forty six dollars.
E. Fifty dollars.

7. What is the requirement for 50 % off?
A. Including fragrance, gift certificate, catalogue
B. May not be combined with any other coupon
C. Second item will be the same value.
D. Valid on Trendy Male outlets only.
E. Valid on designer merchandise

Text 4
The following text is for questions 8 and 10.
The Four Brothers and the Lost Camel
Four brothers, who were all good at tracking, met an Arab who asked them if they had seen his missing camel.
The four brothers asked the Arab whether the camel had lost its tail and wanted to know if it was bearing a sack of grain on one side and a jar of honey on the other.
To his surprise all the questions were true about his camel. And this made the Arab convinced that they were the thieves. So he brought them before a judge.
But the explanation was simple.
The first brother began, “ The camel had only gazed on the grass on one side of the path, so it must be blind in the other eye. One of its hoofprints was less marked than the others, and that means it must be lame in one foot.”
“As for me,” said the second brother, “I noticed that all its dropping were in one heap, instead of being spread around as usually happen, so I thought that the camel must be missing its tail.”
“On one side,” explained the third brother, “some wheat grains had fallen on the path and the ants were carrying them away. On the other side of the path, the flies were sucking at the drops of honey.”
There upon the judge freed the four brothers, and took them into his own services.

8. One of the brothers thought that the camel was lame because of ....
A. the grass on one side of the path
B. the hoof prints of the camel
C. the ants and flies
D. the camel's eye
E. the camel's tail

9. The second brother observed that the camel ....
A. was lame
B. had no tail
C. had no eyes
D. brought wheat grains
E. sucked drop of honey
10. Which of the following saying related to the text?
A. Saying is believing.
B. Think before saying something.
C. Don't accuse someone without evidence.
D. Don't judge someone because of his appearance
E. Don't give evidence for what you're not sure of

Text 5
The following text is for questions 11s/d13.
Illegal Medicine Destroyed
JP. Hundreds of packages of medicine and traditional herbs of various brands were confiscated and destroyed by Yogyakarta's Food and Drugs Control officers during its joint operation with the City's Health officer starting on Monday.
The joint operation was conducted by seven personnels at several shops and drug stores in several parts of the city.
“In the fight against unregistered medicine we'll continue the raids,” said the head of Yogyakarta City's Health Officer, Chaerul Anwar on Tuesday. Shop owners found setting the registered medicines would first be warned as they probably did not know they were selling illegal products.

11. The news tells us about ....
A. the joint operation conducted by the head of Yogyakarta City's Health officers
B. illegal medicine which were confiscated and destroyed by the officers
C. unregistered medicines which do not harm people
D. illegal medicines which were not prohibited
E. Yogyakarta's Food and Drugs Control officers

12. Who has given the information about the joint operation?
A. The City's Health officers.
B. Drug users and sellers.
C. Shop owners and manufactures.
D. Yogyakarta's Food and Drugs Control officers
E. The Head of Yogyakarta City's Health Officer

13. Why were the medicines destroyed?
Because they were ....
A. illegal
B. harmless
C. abundant
D. registered
E. licensed

Text 6
The following text is for questions 14 to 16
A Trip to Snow Mountains
When my family was living in Sidney, we used to go to a place called Snow Mountain because Sydney never has snow in winter. Well, the weather can get very very, very cold, and the temperature could go as minus 5 degrees Celsius, but it never snows. That was the reason why we liked going to Snow Mountains.
Our first trip to Snow Mountains was very exciting. We went with a group of foreign students from different parts of the world. We went by bus to Canberra and then we went up to the mountain. And believe me, you need to be an expert driver because the road was rough and wet. We had to go very slowly and cautiously.
Luckily, our driver was a real professional. He did a great job taking us to the mountains, but I saw many good cars sliding off the roads. The police were made busy by those accidents, but the police seemed to have anticipated the situations. They had all kinds of equipment to help the poor cars.
When we reached the resort area, a nice warm meal was waiting in a nice and warm dining room. It was a relief. Then we had to hire the “Snow-Mountain gear” like caps, scarves, thick jackets, and snow boots. We simply had to do that or we would have been freezing to death. I felt really big and fat in that outfit and I had to do learn how to walk in snow.
The most exciting part was the toboggan ride. Toboggan is basically a fiberglass board designed to slide down the snowy slopes. So I climbed up the hill and then I sat down on the toboggan. I held on to ropes to steer and slid down the hill. It turned out that my steering ropes weren't tied on correctly, so I could not control my toboggan property. I slid down really fast without being able to control where I was going. So I ended up plugging into a freezing cold creek!

14. Why was an expert driver needed to drive to Snow Mountain?
Because ....
A. the roads were snowy
B. the roads were slippery
C. it was a comfortable trip
D. there were a lot of accidents there
E. it was the trip to the snowy mountains

15. “We had to go very slowly and cautiously,” (Paragraph 2)
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
A. dangerously
B. clumsily
C. carefully
D. anxiously
E. patiently
16. Why did the writer love to go to the snow mountains?
A. He was living in Sydney.
B. Sydney never has snow in winter.
C. The weather is very cold.
D. The temperature could go as minus 5 degrees.
E. The way to the mountains was very challenging.

Text 7
The following text is for questions number 17 to 20.
Although a jaguar does not live in Asia, it is famous there because there is a car named after the animal. It can be stated in some points.
The jaguar belongs to the cat family. It is one of the four big (roaring) cats along with the lion, the tiger and the leopard. Because it has spots, a jaguar is often mistaken for a leopard. However, a jaguar has larger rossete markings, a stronger body and a short tail. The jaguar is brownish-yellow in colour and has spots on the head.
Jaguars live in a variety of locations. The rainforest and wet grasslands of Central and South America from the habitat of the jaguar.
The jaguar is an excellent hunter. While the other three roaring cats kill their prey by biting it at the neck, the jaguar kills its prey by biting it through its skull. It usually kills small animals for food but can attack and kill cattle or deer
17. What is mainly discussed in the text?
A. The differences between jaguar and other animals.
B. The way how the jaguar kills its prey in the jungle.
C. Explanation of the shape, the ability and the excellence of the jaguar
D. Information on the characteristics, habitat, and life of the jaguar.
E. The comparison between the jaguar and other roaring animals.
18. The jaguar kills its prey by biting it through its ....
A. head
B. neck
C. nail
D. legs
E. tail

19. The purpose of the text is to ....
A. tell the life of a jaguar
B. describe a jaguar in brief
C. explain how a jaguar attacks its prey
D. entertain readers about the story of a jaguar
E. inform readers about the life of roaring animals

20. Which of the following is the characteristic of the jaguar?
A. It has spots on its body.
B. It belongs to tame animals.
C. It is found in Asia.
D. It has smaller rosssete markings.
E. It kills its prey by biting through its neck.

Text 8
The following text is for questions number 21 to 24.
The Incas used to be a large empire of 990 000km2 in Peru of South America. Their city was high up in the Andes Mountains. They were well known for their great wealth, especially gold. This great empire was unfortunately destroyed in an attack by the Spaniards who were searching for their famed gold. Although thus empire existed way back in 1493, it was not backward but complex and well-organized.
The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca, Lord of the World, Son of the Sun. He owned everything in the empire – the land, soil, gold and even the people. The people, therefore, had no freedom.
Boys and girls were to live a life of obedience and tradition. They began working in their ayllu or family groups. The rule was Ama sun, ama ilulla, ama shekilla, which means, “Do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy.”
Despite this difficult way of life, the Incas were skilful. They constructed drainage system and underground water reservoirs. Their buildings were made from huge stones. These were cut to fit perfectly together so that no mortar was needed. Their rope bridges were so strong that even a horse could gallop across them!
The Incas had no written language. Information was recorded on knotted strings called quipus. These were also used as calculators. Strong and healthy young boys were chosen as chasquis or couriers to carry messages from one place to another.

21. The text mainly tells about ....
A. chasquis
B. the Incas
C. Sapa Inca
D. the Spaniards
E. the Andes

22. “They constructed drainage system and underground water reservoirs.” (Paragraph 4)
The underlined word has the same meaning as ....
A. grew
B. bore
C. built
D. existed
E. renovated

23. How was the empire destroyed?
A. The empire was destroyed by huge stones.
B. It was destroyed by well-organized ayllu
C. The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca
D. It was reconstructed by systems
E. It was attacked by the Spaniards

24. What did they use to calculate?
A. Quipus
B. Strings
C. Mortars
D. Chasquis
E. Huge stones

Text 9
The following text is for questions number 25 to 28

Technique of Teaching
The Silent Way is one of the effective language teaching techniques. It is pedagogical approach to language teaching based on the premise that the teacher should be as silent as possible in the classroom (about 90 % of the time). The learners, then, are encouraged to produce as much language as possible. They have much time both to be exposed to the language and to perform practice.
The learning hypothesis behind the Silent Way is that learning is facilitated if the learners discover or create rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. Also, students learn more effectively through perkara solving involving the sasaran language. It views language learning as a creative problem-solving and discovering activity in which the learner is a principal actor rather than a bench-bound listener.
Basically, in learning teachers prepare their students to have perkara solving skill. And the Silent Way can be described as a problem-solving approach to language learning, and is summed up nicely in Benyamin Franklin's words: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
I conclude that the Silent Way is an appropriate language teaching technique.

25. Which approach is supporting the Silent Way in language teaching?
A. Exposing the subject.
B. Creating the subject.
C. Asking the students to act as actors.
D. Giving the students problems to solve.
E. Asking the students to be good listeners.

26. The purpose of the text is to ... to the readers what “Silent Way” is.
A. improve
B. declare
C. introduce
D. contribute
E. remind

27. “The Silent Way” is an approach for teaching language hoping that the students will ....
A. become principal actors
B. repeat what is to be learned
C. be able to solve their problems
D. remember what has been taught
E. produce as much language as possible

28. “It is pedagogical approach ... as silent as possible in the classroom” (Paragraph 1)
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
A. weak
B. patient
C. quiet
D. helpful
E. pleasant

Text 10
The following text is for questions number 29 to 23.

Do Women Deserve Higher Education?
The issue we are discussing is whether women need higher education or not. Some people think that there is no use for women to get higher education, for women's main role is in their household and surroundings. Thus, knowing about practical household management is sufficient for women to lead their lives.
In addition, higher education does not ensure women to get better life, so why bother about this? There are many examples of women who are successful in their lives although they only enjoy average education. They succeed in managing their household, educating their children and participating in community activities.
On the other hand, some other people believe that women also have the right to get higher education. They claim that education is important for anyone including women, because it is one way to improve the quality of life. Therefore, every woman must get education as high as she can achieve.
A further point they make is that higher education is not just the matter of achieving a better position in community or working environment. More importantly, it is the way to empower women and to give them better understanding of life and universe.
In other words, women have the same right to get higher education as men do. However, it is also their right to take the chance or just to leave it.

29. What are mainly discussed in paragraphs 2 and 4?
A. Both paragraphs support that women have the same right as men to get higher education.
B. Both paragraphs argue that women don't have the same right as men to get higher education.
C. Unlike the second paragraph, the fourth paragraph argues that education is important for anyone.
D. Unlike the fourth paragraph, the second paragraph argues that higher education does not ensure women to get better life.
E. The second paragraph supports that education is the way to empower women, but paragraph fourth does not.

30. What is the positive aspect of getting higher education for women?
A. Higher education is just the matter of achieving a better position in community.
B. Getting higher education means a woman can improve the quality of life.
C. A women who gets higher education is able to participate in community activities.
D. A women who does not get education has better understanding of life.
E. A women who gets education is unable to educate her children.

31. What is needed by everyone to improve the quality of life?
A. Higher education.
B. Average education.
C. Practical household.
D. Household management.
E. Community participation.

32. “Thus, knowing about practical household management is sufficient for women to lead their lives.” (paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Important.
B. Interesting.
C. Advantageous.
D. Enough.
E. Necessary.

33. Why do some people think that higher education is important for women?
Because ....
A. it can improve the quality of life.
B. it can be a tool to manage their household.
C. the need of their household can be fulfilled.
D. by getting higher education they can educate their children.
E. it's just a matter of achieving a better position in community.
Text 11
The following text is for questions 34 and 35
You've probably got minor infection. Sometimes it takes long to go away. The important thing is to get plenty of rest. Take sometime off work and you'll probably be back to normal in a few weeks time.
34. What is the text about?
A. The doctor's advice to a patient.
B. The direction of taking medicine.
C. A patient's complaint to the doctor.
D. An advice for a healthy life.
E. The doctor's motivation.
35. “You'll probably be back to normal in a few weeks time.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Doctor
B. The writer
C. Patient
D. Nurse
E. The officer

I Recorrect these sentences in bracket into the right one in simple present form
Betulkan kalimat berikut dengan merubah kata yang didalam kurung

  1. Anisa (study) english twice in a week
  2. Mr. Asril (do not) teach english but sport

II Change these sentences into passive voices
(rubahlah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi kalimat pasif)

  1. I borrow somebooks in the library
  2. We study english for three hours in the classroom.
  3. They play football in the field for their preparation to join the football competition.
Reading Text......
You've probably got minor infection. Sometimes it takes long to go away. The important thing is to get plenty of rest. Take sometime off work and you'll probably be back to normal in a few weeks time.
  1. What is the text about?
  2. “You'll probably be back to normal in a few weeks time.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
  1. What is the way to get healthy?
  2. How  to get normal of our healthy?
  3. What kind of the text above?

Semoga dengan adanya Soal Pilihan Ganda Ulangan Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA/SMK Terbaru ini kalian akan semakin gampang dalam berguru untuk persiapan menghadapi ulangan semester Bahasa Inggris yang sebentar lagi kalian akan hadapi. Melalui soal-soal latihan Bahasa Inggris kalian akan semakin terbiasa menghadapi soal-soal ulangan semester Bahasa Inggris yang sebenarnya. Terimakasih telah membaca Soal Pilihan Ganda Ulangan Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA/SMK Terbaru.

Sumber http://abidtinfaz.blogspot.com

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