The Fastest Formula Of Inverse Matrix 2X2
Hallo guys... ???
On this happy day I will write an article that I think will be very useful, ie an article about the fastest formula of the inverse 2x2 matrix. However, actually not the formula that I will make fast, but the way that I will speed up, so you can efficiently use the time in the test later.
On this happy day I will write an article that I think will be very useful, ie an article about the fastest formula of the inverse 2x2 matrix. However, actually not the formula that I will make fast, but the way that I will speed up, so you can efficiently use the time in the test later.
Inverse formula of matrix:
A-1 = The inverse of a matrix A
Det (A) = Determinan a matrix A
Adj (A) = Adjoin a matrix A
To know how fast we just practice in the matter.
Problems example:
Find the inverse of the following matrix !
For a quick way the key lies in the search for the adjoint matrix, if the adjoint has been found it is very easy to work on the inverse matrix. Here's a quick way to find the matrix adjoint:
- Move or swap the positions of elements that exist on the first row of the first column with the second row of the second column,
- The first and second row elements and the first two row column elements are multiplied by -1.
Then the adjoint of the matrix A is:
Then the inverse of the above matrix is :
How easy and fast friends are not to solve the 2x2 inverse matrix ?
A few articles this time. Sorry if there is a wrong word.
Finally I said wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
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