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Area And Circumference Formula Of Square

Square Properties

The following are the properties of the square, among which are:
  • The four sides are the same length AB = BC = CD = DA
  • The four corners are right-angled ∠a = ∠b = ∠c = ∠d
  • The two diagonals are the same length and intersect in the middle. AC = BD (diagonal)
  • It has four axes of symmetry

Formula of Square Area

A = s2

A = Area
s = Side

Example Question of Square Area

What is the square area with 2cm side?

s = 2cm

A = s2
A = (2cm)2
A = 4cm2

So the square area that has 2cm sides is 4cm2

Formula of Circumference Square

C = 4s

C = Circumference square
s = sides

Example Question of Circumference Square

What is the circumference of a square that has 2cm sides?

s = 2cm

C = 4s
C = 4(2cm)
C = 8cm

So the circumference of a square that has a side is 8cm.

Similarly this article.
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The end of word wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's book math group accounting and sales

Sumber http://matematikaakuntansi.blogspot.com

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