Teaching Media Material
1. How to make this media ?
Every people, especially student in the world can definite to make a power point media or has been knowing this media because many students used this media for learning and practice in their lessons. But not every person or students can do it or make it.
So in this moment I will try to help you to making power point media and to guide every step by step. If you want to use this media had better you must knowing how to use a computer. Because power point media there is in a computer and section of aplication and contents in the hardware of computers.
This is rules how to make this media ?
- Making a teaching planning. (what kind of the lesson)
- Collecting the lesson resources.
- Using a computer to make this media.
• Open Microsoft Power Point.
• Insert resources into Microsoft Power Point.
• Arrange the resources.
• Make a finishing touch (recheck)
# Explanation
# Explanation
For the first, you must use computer media to begin make a power point. and then please open the aplications Microsoft power point in the task kafetaria or sajian kafetaria and then choose it to start making a media.
And the second, please write your material teaching in there with type a text file, use the design to make a cover file text and choose type you want or your like, and then use animations to make effect or some text become good, or interesting to see, and after that you may transition to move the one page to each page with use animation. and the slide show to edit or correct mistakes file before you show in public. With used this media I fell we can making your learning media and teching media interesting and easy to understand for readers and students when you show in public.
And the third, you may add a photo or thing beside a text to make the audience more believe and easy to understand. To make it you must copy and paste you data ( photo ) in other application, your browsing pictures. And then you may edit size a picture. If you want to do it.
2. How to use this media ?
If you want to use this media you should use a projector so that many students or many person can to see easily.
You can begin to show your power point when you enter the show this media. And be equal with you show this media you may tell about you material teaching for audience to make audience easy to know. And when you want to move from the one page to each page you can enter next for move it. And please do it repeat and reapeat until you show end.
This is simple telling about how to use this media and you can try it if you want to make a power point media.
3. Why do i use this media?
1. Simple and easy to be prepared or made.
2. By seeing this media, the students can know about gadget easily.
3. Easy to be seen (showed in a projector).
4. By using this media, to teach english to the student is easier.
5. This media is interesting, and can keep the students enjoy in learning the lesson
# Explanation
1. Simple and easy to be prepared or made
If we use power point I think it simple and easy media to be prepared making a prosses teaching.
2. By seeing this media, the students can know about gadget easily.
So when we show this media, indirectly we have to give more education about gadget for the sudents or audience. Actually the students know about gadget.
3. Easy to be seen (showed in a projector).
With used projector this power point can be see easily for audience because all the slide can be seen with a big picture gadget
4. By using this media, to teach English to the student is easier
Using this media helping the teacher to give learning process more easily
We only sit or see the slide show of power point and begin to teach without used and bring picture or things.
5. This media is interesting, and can keep the students enjoy in learning the lesson
Many students has felt enjoyed and interested when the teacher used power point for material teaching media. So according the students they can be catch up the lesson easily when the teachers used power point to teaching media process.
Sumber http://maulanaeo14.blogspot.com
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